News and Service Updates
Lessons From a Neglected Garden
“You’ve been talking about your garden, ever since I met you”, a Grace parishioner told me after a recent reference probably in a sermon! Well, imagine the impact of my back and forth from Northern California on the poor thing. Thistles and rogue trees love it, as I...
Civic Discourse: God Does Love Everybody
The image above is a real photo from the internet, taken in a Publix supermarket (a grocery chain in the south). I do not know this man, but his shirt is perhaps a reflection of how bad our ability to dialogue really has become in our country, so much so that it has...
Our Short and Sweet Why!
Our short and sweet why! What if I was to tell you that there are five outstanding reasons for the Church to exist? First it is to recognize that as human beings we all seek purpose and meaning, and the Church welcomes that search. Second, there’s joy in knowing that...
Sport, Spirit, and the Search for Transcendence
I am remembering why I have tried over the years to take my vacation during the Olympic Games! In the election tour for the diocese of Iowa, I even warned the people what to expect. It is amazing that we enjoyed five Olympics together. In 2012, the Olympics were in...
Love is a Mirror
Praying with Helen All This Time I was away last weekend on a retreat. It was scheduled a while back and came right on time in so many ways for me. While I wanted to be with you all here at Grace to bless our dear Helen, I needed to be away with myself even...
Of Holiness and Home: In the End…Relationships.
A Reflection on the 2024 Youth mission Trip On our second night in Parrish, after a full day of hard work followed by excellent southern barbecue at the Full Moon, we sat out in the garden under the lights (with plenty of bug spray for all...see above) and considered...
Prayer: The Ministry of Helen Christianson
"I have learned that prayer is not asking for what you think you want but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine. To be made more grateful, more able to see the good in what you have been given instead of always grieving for what might have been. People who...
Freedom: Juneteenth
From an essay on The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth posted on the Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of African American History and Culture website: On the eve of January 1, 1863, enslaved and free African Americans gathered in churches and private homes all...
In addition to all the things I do at Grace, I am also a hospital chaplain. I lead groups and visit individual patients in Units 3 and 4 at the Adventist Hospital in Vallejo, where youth and children with mental health issues are patients on the ward. These are...
Youth Sunday!
On Sunday, June 2, our Summer Service Immersion Youth will be with us in worship at 10 am. We have been meeting since February to learn about environmental justice and environmental racism, food scarcity and resilience, climate change and community, the power of...
Saint Enmegahbowh: A Trailblazer in Faith and Cultural Bridge-Building
Last week we briefly talked about Saint Enmegahbowh as he relates to the St. Enmegahboah Chapel designed and built by Jacob Zuniga that is currently being featured in the Grace Good News Garden spot until St. Enmegahbowh's feast day on June 12th. This week we wanted...
Pentecost is a Season for Growing!
We're thrilled to announce that Grace Church has been awarded a portion of the diocesan constable grant, totaling $15,000, to bring the Grace Good News Garden to life on our property this Pentecost season!! Starting this weekend, we'll be breaking ground to create...