Funerals & Memorials

Grace is available for funerals, memorials, and celebrations of life. While Grace’s columbarium and burial niches along the wall are at this time only available for parishioners, the sanctuary and grounds are available to anyone who would like to honor, remember, or offer prayers for a loved one in this holy space. Our clergy are also available for grave-side services. Funeral/memorial pre-planning is available, and is a great gift for your loved ones.


While there is no set fee for funerals, memorials or interments, they do involve costs (staff time, bulletin production, janitorial, music, livestream, funeral liaison, clergy honorarium.)  As we work with you to design the service, we will determine cost together according to your needs. Please contact the us with the form below if you would like to schedule a funeral or memorial, pre-plan, or reserve a columbarium space or niche.


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