Annual Meeting is Just Around the Corner

When we come together at the Annual meeting on Sunday 26th of January, we will have entered the 150th year of Grace Church. We have already begun to mark the occasion with the launch of the Sustaining Grace Campaign, which will continue to offer us all an opportunity...

Redwood Tree Blessing & Community Forest Celebration

Join us on Sunday, June 19, at 12:30 PM as Grace Church gathers to celebrate and bless the planting of a coast redwood tree in The Napa Valley Community Forest! This project, supported by Grace from the beginning, is a step toward caring for our planet and our island...

Reclaiming Epiphany

The Episcopal Church’s former Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, has called for Christians to “reclaim Epiphany,” the feast that celebrates the arrival of mysterious visitors from the east, sometimes called magi or kings, to visit the infant Jesus. In the United...


We want the warhorse.  Jesus rides a donkey. We want the eagle. The Holy Spirit descends as a dove.  We want to take up swords. Jesus takes up a cross. We want the roaring lion. God comes as a slaughtered lamb.  We keep trying to arm God. God keeps...

Your Holiday Party Outfit

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love,  which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,  to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.” -Colossians 3:14-15 When I was...