Prayer: The Ministry of Helen Christianson

“I have learned that prayer is not asking for what you think you want but asking to be changed in ways you can’t imagine. To be made more grateful, more able to see the good in what you have been given instead of always grieving for what might have been....

A Reflection from Bishop Alan

In hoping to be helpful to the Grace community by a more extensive return for the balance of the year, I want to share some reflections on the significance of this time. With much vulnerability and courage, Amy has shared with us her struggle in recent times. We may...

An Invitation to Palm Saturday!

As a coach I learned that you write out a training plan from back to front – in other words from the final event of the season (which for some might be league championships and for a special few State or nationals or even Olympics) you plan backwards to the start of...

“How Can This Be?”

“How can this be?” We all can resonate with Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel on hearing that she was to be the bearer of God into the world! And yet it is a question worthy of multiple situations where God keeps doing the unexpected. Personally, I say it every...

Connection & Call

It seems that a common discussion in churches is the question of how we can grow our congregation. How do we invite, connect, and follow through with new people? But moreover– WHY do we want to?  Bishop Alan reflected that we don’t really have any “pew...