Lenten Practices

 Lent is a time for self-reflection, penance, and spiritual housecleaning! This year we have put together a short list of Lenten practices to help you choose how to observe this season! Ask God to guide you as you choose 2-3 practices to help you observe this lenten...

The Heart Needs A Witness

Two weekends ago, I spent four days in a Grief and Loss Recovery Training where I did 40 hours of professional development and a heap of my own personal work too. In my role as a mental health chaplain in Vallejo, in my encounters with many of you here at Grace, in my...

Celebrating 30yrs of Small Groups

On January 12, at the beginning of our 150th year, Grace celebrated the 30th anniversary of small groups at Grace Church. Jan Bradley, a long-time small group leader and one-time coordinator of all Grace’s small groups, offered the following reflection on small...

Grace On The Move!

We have something wonderful here, given by God’s grace, and this grace is for everyone. I have heard it said that lawyers work by the maxim: never ask a question to which you do not know the answer. That doesn’t play out in the life of the Church, or certainly did not...

Be Ye a Pain with Purpose

“This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel,  and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed.” – Luke 2: 34-35 In the gospel we heard last week from Luke 4, we find Jesus as an adult who gets...