Lessons From a Neglected Garden

“You’ve been talking about your garden, ever since I met you”, a Grace parishioner told me after a recent reference probably in a sermon! Well, imagine the impact of my back and forth from Northern California on the poor thing. Thistles and rogue trees love it, as I...

Civic Discourse: God Does Love Everybody

The image above is a real photo from the internet, taken in a Publix supermarket (a grocery chain in the south). I do not know this man, but his shirt is perhaps a reflection of how bad our ability to dialogue really has become in our country, so much so that it has...

Our Short and Sweet Why!

Our short and sweet why! What if I was to tell you that there are five outstanding reasons for the Church to exist? First it is to recognize that as human beings we all seek purpose and meaning, and the Church welcomes that search. Second, there’s joy in knowing that...

Sport, Spirit, and the Search for Transcendence

I am remembering why I have tried over the years to take my vacation during the Olympic Games! In the election tour for the diocese of Iowa, I even warned the people what to expect. It is amazing that we enjoyed five Olympics together. In 2012, the Olympics were in...

Love is a Mirror

Praying with Helen All This Time I was away last weekend on a retreat. It was scheduled a while back and came right on time in so many ways for me. While I wanted to be with you all here at Grace to bless our dear Helen, I needed to be away with myself even...