Where two or three are gathered

Dear Grace Church, On Sunday morning I shared my secret dream of a perfect retirement – of enjoying regular evenings out at the local pub engaged in lively and meaningful conversation “just this side of tipsy”. Well, I have no such place set aside in Des Moines as yet...

Sabbatical for Everyone

Dear Ones, As I head off on my four-month sabbatical, I am filled with peace and gratitude.  I’ve had a chance to reconnect with a lot of folks over the last few weeks, over the phone or text, in small groups, at the door of the sanctuary— it is just so good to see...

Decoding Bishop Scarfe

At a staff meeting in Bishop Scarfe’s previous diocese he passed around a chart that he had received in an email. “You all need to study this,” he said, with a chuckle in his voice, “Because it really is true” The Diocesan staff spent a...

Agreement #3: Listen With Your Whole Self

AGRREMENT #3: LISTEN WITH YOUR WHOLE SELFWhen you are listening to another person share their thoughts, feelings, opinions or experiences, suspend your own – to the extent possible, push “pause” on your thought stream… Sarah: Helen, what is your experience of deep...