LENT 2022

An Invitation to Deeper Spiritual Connection The season of Lent is the 40 day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday that invites us into a time of reflection and mindfulness as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. By...

Annual Meeting Re-Cap!

Did you miss our 2022 Annual Meeting that took place this past Sunday? No worries! You can watch all the various Ministry reports given by our awesome staff and church leadership. Click Here to Download the Annual Meeting Report Due to a technical error the audio for...

Resting in Christmas

I received an email from our diocesan office in mid-December which ironically wished all of the clergy well in the “hustle and bustle and waiting” of Advent. The Advent themes of expectant waiting and contemplative preparation are diametrically opposed to the cultural...

Advent and Christmas at Grace

Events Advent Labyrinth Walk| Date: 12/8 Time: 7:00pm (rain date 12/22) Ruthanne Svendsen will lead a time of “spiraling into the center of God” for this Advent season on the Church Labyrinth. This will be a time of meditation, chant, chime,...