In years past (way past!) there was a “coffee hour rota” at Grace – a list of folks willing to bring refreshments sweet or savory to our post-worship gathering in the courtyard – which always included someone who knew how to make the coffee in the kitchen. The people on the list brought the food, while the coffee, tea, sugar, milk was provided by the church. The food was bought or made at home by the people on the rota, as a ministry of hospitality to each other. We would like to start this ministry with each other again in August! You will not be asked to bring coffee hour refreshments more than once a quarter, and if we don’t have enough folks to sign up we will just have coffee on those days to keep things simple. We are implementing a new text and email messaging system that will help with reminders for those who volunteer! Please click this link to sign up now, or contact Sarah Neidhoefer in the church office at [email protected] to get on the rotation!
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