An Invitation to Deeper Spiritual Connection

The season of Lent is the 40 day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday that invites us into a time of reflection and mindfulness as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. By observing the season of Lent, we replicate Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Many take on a Lenten discipline by either giving up something or taking on something else in an effort to be more prayerful or more conscious of the things that distract us from God.
Last year Rev. Amy and Fr. Mac led a special FORUM gathering on “Lent as a Season for Spiritual Practice” where they discussed how we can deepen our spiritual practices and connection with God during this season of preparation. We encourage you to take time to watch this special FORUM again this year as we begin our Lenten journey. You can view this video HERE.
We have so many opportunities for you to deepen your Spiritual practices this year! Be sure to check out all of our events and gatherings below!
Sundays in Lent
Join us on Sundays at one of our two weekly worship services in person at 8am or 10am (or live streamed on Facebook, YouTube, or our website)
Lent I • March 6
Lent II • March 13
Lent III • March 20
Lent IV • March 27
Lent V • April 3
Lenten Sermon Series
Rev. Amy’s sermons in Lent will draw inspiration from Bishop Stephen Charleston’s new book Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder’s Meditations on Hope and Courage. Copies will be available in the office during office hours. From the back of the book: “In the same voice that has comforted and challenged countless readers through his daily social media posts, Choctaw elder and Episcopal priest Steven Charleston offers words of hard-won hope, rooted in daily conversations with the Spirit and steeped in Indigenous wisdom.”
Lenten Meditation times
Monday | Centering Prayer @ 6:30AM
Tuesdays | Centering Prayer @ 12PM
Wednesdays | Rosary at St. Helena Catholic Church @ 4:30 PM
Thursdays | Prayer in the Sanctuary @ 7:00am & Guided Meditation with Judith Caldwell at 9:00 am
Fridays | Self-Guided Stations of the Cross @ 12-1PM (bilingual booklets available)
(email the church office for the Meeting ID’s and passwords!)
Lenten Formation
Soup Suppers
Wednesday, March 30, from 5:30-7:30 – With Brian Sellers Petersen, author of Harvesting Abundance
Wed, April 6, from 5:30-7:30 – Ruthanne Svendsen guides us in a Labyrinth Walk
Ladder to the Light Book Discussion with Rev. Amy | Sunday, March 27, 11:30 via Zoom or in person.
New Moon Celebration
The New Moon is Celebration is a chance to set intentions for the coming month, and listen to our bodies intuition. This celebration has its roots in how the ancient Israelites watched intently for the first sign of the new moon every month. March 3, 5:45-6:30 and Friday, April 1, 6:45-7:30.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday | April 10
8AM • Traditional Eucharist with Passion Narrative
10AM • Eucharist with Procession of Palms, Music and Passion Narrative*
4PM • Intergenerational Bilingual “Jerusalem Walk” through Holy Week
Maundy Thursday | April 14
7PM • Holy Eucharist and Footwashing followed by the Stripping of the Altar*
9PM-9AM • All-Night Prayer Vigil. Email [email protected] to sign up
Good Friday | April 15
12PM • Stations of the Cross (Bilingual)
12:30PM • Traditional Service with Communion*
7PM • Taize Chant Service on the Labyrinth
Holy Saturday | April 16
8PM • The Great Vigil of Easter*
A 2-hour service welcoming the resurrection in story, symbol, and song.
Easter Sunday, April 17
8AM • Traditional Eucharist
10AM • Choral Eucharist*
11:30AM • Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
*Services also live-streamed
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