Lent is a time for self-reflection, penance, and spiritual housecleaning! This year we have put together a short list of Lenten practices to help you choose how to observe this season! Ask God to guide you as you choose 2-3 practices to help you observe this lenten season as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

  • Pray Daily or pray daily in a new way
  • Attend Sunday worship regularly.
  • Take something on (e.g. Reading the Bible) and Give something up (e.g. Meat on Fridays) 
  • Watch one or more movies with spiritual themes in Lent (e.g. The Mission, etc.)
  • Memorize a passage of Scripture during Lent 
  • Read a spiritual book during Lent on your own or with a group
  • Volunteer at the church or out in the community
  • Help out a neighbor or friend with a project during Lent
  • Commit to a date night with your spouse/significant other during Lent
  • Reconnect with an old friend or family member during Lent
  • Schedule a special one-to-one time with your children during Lent
  • Ask God to help you get over a negative way of relating to another person
  • Stop doing something in order to focus more time on family, friends, and God
  • Make time to rest. Say no to something. Do something fun.
  • Admit you have a problem in your life and seek help
  • Meet with a pastor or spiritual director for an annual spiritual check-up during Lent
  • Receive the sacrament of reconciliation (private confession)
  • Fast from a meal once a week and give the money to a ministry serving those who are hungry.
  • Schedule a retreat day or overnight retreat at a local convent, monastery or retreat center. 
  • Focus on a creative project you haven’t prioritized
  • Abstain from social media or screen entertainment
  • Commit to studying and learning something new about your faith in God
  • Research a societal challenge and ponder how to respond as a follower of Christ.
  • Study a book of the bible on your own or with a small group
  • Learn a traditional prayer, such as the Angelus, Rosary (Roman Catholic or Anglican), Jesus Prayer, Anima Christi, Prayer of St. Francis, and pray it regularly.
  • Abstain from meat or other food
  • Abstain from unnecessary spending