Lent begins next week and we hope that you will join us for a time of indulgence (Shrove Tuesday) and penitence (Ash Wednesday)!
Shrove Tuesday (aka “Pancake Tuesday”) is the final day before we enter into the 40-day period of Lent!. Historically Shrove Tuesday became a day for pre-fasting indulgence before the season of lent which is marked with fasting and penitence. This day was also practically used as a means to use up all the “rich” ingredients such as butter, milk, sugar and eggs before Lent begins so that they would not go bad and be wasted during the 40 days of fasting.
While Shrove Tuesday is a day of indulgence, Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting an penitence!
It marks the first of the forty days of Lent, and is named after the custom of receiving blessed ashes on ones forehead during an Ash Wednesday services. The ashes are a symbol of penitence that reminds us of mortality. Along with out traditional Ash Wednesday service at 7pm Grace will also be offering “Ashes To-Go” through the entire day.
You can find more info about these three events below!
Shrive Tuesday: Pancake Supper | 2/21 @ 5:30-7:30pm
Kick off Lent with the annual tradition of eating all the sugar, butter and flour (that’s real; Google it!) We’ll have pancakes, bacon, and all the fixin’s along with special activities for children. Bring the family, bring your neighbors. What’s better than breakfast for dinner? Want to join the kitchen team? Email Erika at [email protected]
Ash Wednesday: Ashes To-Go | 2/22 @ 7am-7pm
Intercessors will be available at the bell tower in Grace’s courtyard to pray and offer imposition of ashes with all those who would like to receive.
Ash Wednesday: Worship Service | 2/22 @ 7pm
Join us in-person or online for a traditional Ash Wednesday service of repentance, healing and hope from Grace Episcopal Church with imposition of ashes.
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