Christ among the Children

Apparently, a child up to the age of six has little notion of time. I learned this while undertaking an orientation of Grace’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Jennifer Bell, our catechist guide for the day said that it takes at least two hours, and ideally...

Let us sit among the prophets

Part of my regular prayer practice is to give time to journal on specific verses or passages of Scripture that catch my attention during personal devotions. What has been surprising is that a majority of these have been in the Psalms, which I try and read in their...

Decoding Bishop Scarfe

At a staff meeting in Bishop Scarfe’s previous diocese he passed around a chart that he had received in an email. “You all need to study this,” he said, with a chuckle in his voice, “Because it really is true” The Diocesan staff spent a...