Pancake Dinner: Tuesday March 1, 5:30-7:30pm | Fun for all ages–eat breakfast for dinner and kick off Lent with your Grace family! Drop in when it works for you, choose a table on the patio or in the Newton Room as you see fit, or take your pancakes to go! Activities for children will be available through the evening. Please plan to wear your mask when you’re not eating. Our chefs will be flipping flapjacks with care (and masks and clean hands). Want to join the kitchen team? Email Erika erika@grace
Ashes To-Go: March 2, 7am-7pm | Intercessors will be available at the bell tower in Grace’s courtyard to pray and offer imposition of ashes with all those who would like to receive. Volunteers need: If anyone would like to assist with the “Ashes to-Go” station in the Bell Tower for a 1-2 hour shift, please contact Susan Calkin. This involves praying with people for individual needs along with imposing the ashes, and is very meaningful. You will be partnered with an experienced “ash giver!” [email protected].
Hybrid Ash Wednesday Service: March 2, 7pm | Join us in-person or online for a traditional Ash Wednesday service of repentance, healing and hope from Grace Episcopal Church with imposition of ashes. If you choose to participate online you may experience the imposition of ashes during this service using a prepared ash kit that can be picked up at Grace (upon request), or by using “found” ash or dirt, or spiritually. You can find the service online on our Facebook, Youtube, and church Website.
Lenten Sermon Series: Ladder to the Light | Rev. Amy’s sermons in Lent will draw inspiration from Bishop Stephen Charleston’s new book Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder’s Meditations on Hope and Courage. Copies will be available in the office during office hours or you can purchase one online HERE. Form the back of the book: “In the same voice that has comforted and challenged countless readers through his daily social media posts, Choctaw elder and Episcopal priest Steven Charleston offers words of hard-won hope, rooted in daily conversations with the Spirit and steeped in Indigenous wisdom. “
Thanks for linking the book purchase to the publisher, not to Amazon. You think of everything, Ryan!