by Communications | May 11, 2022 | Community, News
At a staff meeting in Bishop Scarfe’s previous diocese he passed around a chart that he had received in an email. “You all need to study this,” he said, with a chuckle in his voice, “Because it really is true” The Diocesan staff spent a...
by Communications | May 3, 2022 | agreements, Community
In my job(s), I am grateful to reap the wisdom of young people. Over the years I’ve found that often children and teenagers understand some fundamentals about life that have become overcomplicated and therefore lost to us grownups. One such example sticks vividly in...
by Communications | Apr 27, 2022 | Global Outreach, News
The western world is heartbroken at the war raging upon the country of Ukraine and its citizens. Each of us is asking what can we do to help. Grace Church’s GO Committee rose to the forefront over a month ago by setting up an account to receive donations from...
by Communications | Apr 27, 2022 | Community, News, Regathering
Grace Episcopal, Saint Helena’s Community Health Advisory Group (formerly the regathering task force) has met together to discuss the up-swing in local cases of COVID. After meeting together they have established the following recommendations for parishioners of...
by Communications | Apr 27, 2022 | News
Dear Ones,I have almost recovered from COVID. Vince also contracted it; so far the children have not. I will finish my ten day isolation on Friday, April 29 and be fine to lead services the next few weeks.I have a couple learnings to share:—It is really everywhere...
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