Feast of St. Francis Slideshow

Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of St. Francis with a special outdoor service on the church Labyrinth and time of Animal blessing. We put together short slideshow of photos taken by Marvin Humphrey of this special day in the life of our community. You can view...

Our 2023 Rummage Sale is Right Around the Corner!

Homelessness is California’s nemesis and Napa County has its share of needy people. This July it was reported that there were 506 homeless people in Napa County – up from 494 in 2022. And numbers continue to rise. In the same survey, 197 reported being homeless for...

Sacred Ground Circle Forming August 2023

The Episcopal Church’s work for racial reconciliation and healing Sacred Ground “invites participants to walk back through history in order to peel away the layers that brought us to today, reflecting on our family histories and stories, as well as important...

The Chosen Season 2!

“A charismatic fisherman struggling with debt. A troubled woman wrestling with demons. A gifted accountant ostracized from his family and people. In this ground-breaking first season of The Chosen see how Jesus reaches each of these and more as He works His...

The Day of Pentecost!

Acts 2:1-8 “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated...