August Regathering Update

The Regathering Committee is continuing to meet regularly to assess the continually changing COVID situation and determine what is the best balance for worship and gathering that allows us to come together and yet keep ourselves and one another safe. We have, from the...

Opening Doors at Grace

Grace is opening our doors and beginning a new partnership with Puerta Abierta, a Pentecostal Spanish-speaking congregation who’s name means “open door,” beginning August 1. Puerta Abierta began about 10 years ago under the auspices of the Assembly of God Church in...

Gathered at the River, Healed by the Spirit

One of our parishioners, Deb Covington, made a quilt square to represent Grace in the diocesan quilt project. The quilt will be assembled and displayed at our diocesan convention this coming November to symbolize the unity of our many congregations coming out of this...


Grace Church’s Regathering Task Force seeks to plan ways we can again come onto our beautiful campus and worship together in one another’s company, but in a way that is safe both for our congregation and community. Our guiding values are safety, inclusion, community,...

Grace Small Groups

Small Groups Leader: Terry HenryWhen: Monday 6:30 – 7:10 amWhere: In the Sanctuary or LabyrinthWho: 3-5 Regulars, Mixed Gender,What: A short “service” with an inspirational passage, 30 minutes meditation and the Lord’s Prayer Leader: John LivingstonWhen: Monday, 8...

2019 Grace Episcopal Vestry Covenant

We, the members of the Vestry of Grace Episcopal Church of Saint Helena, are committed to using our time, energy, and skills to be effective and transparent leaders for our church and our community in order to do the work required to guide our congregation toward the...