News and Service Updates
Annual Meeting Re-Cap!
Did you miss our 2022 Annual Meeting that took place this past Sunday? No worries! You can watch all the various Ministry reports given by our awesome staff and church leadership. Click Here to Download the Annual Meeting Report Due to a technical error the audio for...
The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C. S. Lewis
Grace will be showing the movie The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C. S. Lewis. It seems that this story is worth revisiting in such an unpredictable, faith-shaking time of trouble, fear, doubt and instability. You can view the trailer for the...
Vestry Candidate Bio: Mark Linder
Mark has dedicated his career to serving California and American agriculture and has worked with numerous businesses, non-profit organizations and educational institutions in business and leadership development and in creating strategic partnerships as well as...
Letter From the Rector
2022 Dear ones, I am incredibly grateful for all your prayers and support over the last several months since my medical leave in November, and felt it was time that I update you on my health. There have been several overlapping factors contributing to my need for rest...
Vestry Candidate Bio: Braulio Munoz-Matheny
Braulio MuñozI was born and raised in Mexico. I finished law school in 1997 and practiced law for a few years working for the federal government in Mexico City. By then I didn’t speak any English. I’m a first-generation immigrant and my entire family still lives in...
Interim Priest in Charge Under Special Circumstances (Sabbatical)
Grace Episcopal Church, located in Saint Helena, California in the heart of the Napa Valley seeks an experienced and professional Interim Priest in Charge to lead the church during the permanent rector’s sabbatical. This part time role is for five months. Desired...
Being Good Stewards
1 Peter 4:8-10 “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” Dearest ones,...
Agreements for Communication in Community
Agreements for Communication in Community "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." - 1 John 4:7 In 2018 in times of relative peace, health, and prosperity (though we didn’t know it at the...
Sermon—January 16, 2022 The Rev. Amy Denney Zuniga, Grace Episcopal Church, St. Helena Readings: Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalm 29, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Sermon Transcript You’ve left the safe walls of the first-century city of Jerusalem, your home, and made the two-day...
Covid-Omicron Surge Recommendation UPDATE
We are keeping this simple for our community and want to tell you that nothing has changed in our policy We are all vulnerable to infection, and some of us are more vulnerable to significant, difficult illness. Let’s take good care of each other. There is a surge....
Online Community Feedback Survey
Hello There! We are so glad that you worship with us as we know that the Spirit unites us in faith even when we are not in the same room together. We understand that a blessing of Covid-19, if there is a blessing in it, is that we have extended our community to reach...
Grace Meal Ministry
“Little children, let us not love with words or with tongues, but with action and in truth” - 1 John 3:18 “Feed the hungry, and help those in need. Then your light will shine out from darkness and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” - Isaiah 58:10...