Regathering Update

With the surge of infections as the omicron variant spreads, we are now asking that people use KN95 or N95 masks when worshiping at Grace or coming to campus for other reasons. Additionally, we recommend that we: Assume any “viral symptoms” are omicron and...

Sustaining Grace

, It is Fall and usually by now you’ve been invited to our Stewardship campaign to make an annual pledge of your tithes and offerings to Grace Church! Historically, we built our budget from your gifts and relied upon your fulfillment of your pledges to operate...

Willie Bird Turkey Sale

For the 9th year in a row the youth are selling Willie Bird Turkeys. Pre-order your thanksgiving turkey today (or get one to freeze for later!) All the birds are locally raised, free-range and farm-fresh. Three sizes are available. Pick up day will be Saturday...