We Shall be Changed

As the pandemic lockdown entered its second year in 2021, the Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, Mark Edington, edited and published a series of short essays on the impact of being closed for in person worship. The essays were entitled “We...

Good News Garden Update!

Can you believe it has already been a month at the Good News Garden? Our plants are growing, seedlings are sprouting, and new friends are joining us in the garden each week! — people, birds, bees, frogs, and lots of worms! Last Sunday, we explored the kinds of...

Where two or three are gathered

Dear Grace Church, On Sunday morning I shared my secret dream of a perfect retirement – of enjoying regular evenings out at the local pub engaged in lively and meaningful conversation “just this side of tipsy”. Well, I have no such place set aside in Des Moines as yet...

Holy Week is here!

Dear Ones, In Holy Week we walk with Jesus and his disciples through the events of the last days of his earthly life–the tenderness, the injustice, the agony, the apparent finality of death. Why do we face into these terrible events intentionally,...