The Chosen Season 2!

“A charismatic fisherman struggling with debt. A troubled woman wrestling with demons. A gifted accountant ostracized from his family and people. In this ground-breaking first season of The Chosen see how Jesus reaches each of these and more as He works His...

What A Send Off!

Dear Grace Family, Thank you so much for the absolutely perfect, joyful, meaningful farewell party. I admit I was hoping for a special celebration after all these years but I never could have anticipated the love and appreciation I felt that day....

The Day of Pentecost!

Acts 2:1-8 “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated...

Annual Pentecost BBQ + Picnic

Our Annual Pentecost BBQ + Picnic is right around the corner! We hope that you will join your Grace community on Sunday May 28th following the 10 am service for this wonderful time of fellowship and good food! For families with last names ending in A-L please bring a...

Coming this summer to St. Helena – The Chosen!

“A charismatic fisherman struggling with debt. A troubled woman wrestling with demons. A gifted accountant ostracized from his family and people. In this ground-breaking first season of The Chosen see how Jesus reaches each of these and more as He works His...