Staying in the Loop!

Several weeks ago, we made a small announcement about our Communications team’s ongoing work to develop new strategies and avenues for helping everyone in our community stay in the loop about all the exciting and important things happening at Grace! Since then, we...

Green Shoots

Formerly known as “God ‘n’ Stuff” and begun when Bishop Alan was with us, GREEN SHOOTS is the new name of our Wednesday evening conversations from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Newton Room.  When we gathered in August and September,...

Connection & Call

It seems that a common discussion in churches is the question of how we can grow our congregation. How do we invite, connect, and follow through with new people? But moreover– WHY do we want to?  Bishop Alan reflected that we don’t really have any “pew...

Thank you for filling your house, Lord!

Dear Ones,  What a glorious weekend it was! Saturday evening’s “Hello/Goodbye” party felt truly magical, and I realized that not only are we celebrating being together again after a four-month sabbatical, we are really still rejoicing (marveling?) over our...