Spring Beautification

For those who have participated in semi-annual workdays in the past, you know what a blessing it is to serve your Grace Community in this way. Because of regathering restrictions, our Cleanup days have been postponed but we still have ongoing maintenance projects that...

Holy Week is here!

Dear Ones, In Holy Week we walk with Jesus and his disciples through the events of the last days of his earthly life–the tenderness, the injustice, the agony, the apparent finality of death. Why do we face into these terrible events intentionally,...

Holy Week at a Glance

Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist and Foot-washing** Good Friday 12:00 PM Stations of the Cross/Viacrucis (Bilingual)12:30 PM Traditional Good Friday Service** 7:00 PM Taize Chant Service on the Labyrinth Holy Saturday 8:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter /VIgilia...

Nursery Caregiver Position Ope

The Children and Youth Ministries team is looking to hire a part-time Nursery Caregiver for Sunday mornings. This portion helps provide high-quality childcare for children aged 0-3 on Sunday mornings, and for children of all ages at other events as needed. Nursery...

Agreement #3: Listen With Your Whole Self

AGRREMENT #3: LISTEN WITH YOUR WHOLE SELFWhen you are listening to another person share their thoughts, feelings, opinions or experiences, suspend your own – to the extent possible, push “pause” on your thought stream… Sarah: Helen, what is your experience of deep...