Rummage Sale

The annual Grace Church Rummage sale is back on Saturday August 20th from 09:00am – 04:00pm! You can find the seller guidelines and floor plan for our upcoming Grace Church Rummage Sale below. You can read the guidelines for sellers HERE and view the floor plan...

Youth Sunday

As I rode my bike (Noah in tow) across town this morning to the Montessori school, I was pondering how quickly this year has gone. Twelve months ago we gathered on the labyrinth for a worship service that followed the confirmation of eight of our teenagers the night...

Pentecost Picnic

After three years we are finally getting to have our annual family Pentecost picnic! We hope that you will join us on Sunday June 5th following the 10 am service for this wonderful time of fellowship and good food! For families’ with last names ending in A-L...

Holy Week is here!

Dear Ones, In Holy Week we walk with Jesus and his disciples through the events of the last days of his earthly life–the tenderness, the injustice, the agony, the apparent finality of death. Why do we face into these terrible events intentionally,...

Holy Week at a Glance

Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist and Foot-washing** Good Friday 12:00 PM Stations of the Cross/Viacrucis (Bilingual)12:30 PM Traditional Good Friday Service** 7:00 PM Taize Chant Service on the Labyrinth Holy Saturday 8:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter /VIgilia...