For All the Saints

Happy All Souls Day/Día de los Muertos!  The Latin American celebration of Día de los Muertos combines the Christian feasts of All Saints Day, November 1, when the Church remembers what I call the “Capital S” Saints, and All Souls (today!) when we remember our beloved...

Taste of Grace!

Taste of Grace! – Día de Los Muertos Fiesta! Our annual Taste of Grace event is back on Saturday, November 5th from 5-9pm! Join us for this lively party and celebration of our Grace Community! Enjoy the phenomenal festivities including: Fabulous Fashion! Watch...

Green Shoots

Formerly known as “God ‘n’ Stuff” and begun when Bishop Alan was with us, GREEN SHOOTS is the new name of our Wednesday evening conversations from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Newton Room.  When we gathered in August and September,...

Coffee Hour Volunteer Rota!

In years past (way past!) there was a “coffee hour rota” at Grace – a list of folks willing to bring refreshments sweet or savory to our post-worship gathering in the courtyard – which always included someone who knew how to make the coffee in the kitchen. The people...