Willie Bird Turkey Sale

For the 9th year in a row the youth are selling Willie Bird Turkeys. Pre-order your thanksgiving turkey today (or get one to freeze for later!) All the birds are locally raised, free-range and farm-fresh. Three sizes are available. Pick up day will be Saturday...

God at the Improv: Humor and the Holy in Scripture

On October 17th Fr. Anthony “Tony” Petrotta will join us as our guest preacher at worship and will lead us in a Community Forum on his book God at the Improv: Humor and the Holy in Scripture. Fr. Tony’s bio: Tony attended church his whole life and...

Praying with Ignatius

Ratcheting ourselves into another season of uncertainty may seem daunting, especially when our true desire may be wanting a deeper understanding of who we are in this troubled time.nPerhaps you’ve been wanting to make a retreat, but since our movement has been...

Opening Doors at Grace

Grace is opening our doors and beginning a new partnership with Puerta Abierta, a Pentecostal Spanish-speaking congregation who’s name means “open door,” beginning August 1. Puerta Abierta began about 10 years ago under the auspices of the Assembly of God Church in...