by Communications | Oct 26, 2021 | Events, News, Services
This Sunday be sure to wear your Halloween costume to the 10 AMservice and plan to stay afterward for some tricks and treats as we say farewell to Rev. Anne, Myles, and Isaiah. We will have some surprises for the Clarkes before they head off to Michigan, and tables...
by Communications | Oct 19, 2021 | Children & Youth, Events, News
For the 9th year in a row the youth are selling Willie Bird Turkeys. Pre-order your thanksgiving turkey today (or get one to freeze for later!) All the birds are locally raised, free-range and farm-fresh. Three sizes are available. Pick up day will be Saturday...
by Communications | Oct 6, 2021 | Events
On October 17th Fr. Anthony “Tony” Petrotta will join us as our guest preacher at worship and will lead us in a Community Forum on his book God at the Improv: Humor and the Holy in Scripture. Fr. Tony’s bio: Tony attended church his whole life and...
by Communications | Aug 10, 2021 | Classes & Meditation, Events
Ratcheting ourselves into another season of uncertainty may seem daunting, especially when our true desire may be wanting a deeper understanding of who we are in this troubled time.nPerhaps you’ve been wanting to make a retreat, but since our movement has been...
by Communications | Jul 27, 2021 | Events
Did you know that outside of our Sunday morning gathering times, at 8AM and 10AM for Holy Communion and worship, that we also have multiple other weekly opportunities for prayer, contemplation, and community for anyone who is interested? Here at Grace, we seek to...
by Communications | Jul 27, 2021 | Events, News, Uncategorized
Grace is opening our doors and beginning a new partnership with Puerta Abierta, a Pentecostal Spanish-speaking congregation who’s name means “open door,” beginning August 1. Puerta Abierta began about 10 years ago under the auspices of the Assembly of God Church in...
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