
News and Service Updates


Grace Church provides ongoing support for SAATHI, a shelter for abused women and children in Kathmandu, Nepal. In 2015 Grace Church contributed over $9,000 to supply tent housing for displaced families of the devasting earthquake. Contact James Forbes at...

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Grace Church gave $10,900 from 2004 to 2011 for books and tuition money for the "Lost Boys" refugees from Sudan

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Grace Church supported two bible translators that work for Wycliffe Bible Translation in Niger from 2002 to 2013 for a total of $35,000.

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We have a thriving relationship with St James', Bubaare, our sister parish in Uganda. This began in 2001 when we equipped a computer lab for their Secondary School, and shipped 8 pallet loads of clothes, sports equipment, books and computers, as well as a new bicycle...

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Ushers serve at both the 8:00am and 10:00am services each Sunday at Grace Church. If you’re interested in any of these roles, please contact:[email protected] unless otherwise noted.

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Grace Church uses lay readers to bring the word of God to the congregation by reading aloud the scriptures from the Bible. As prescribed by the Episcopal Edition of the Revised Common Lectionary, we read the assigned scriptures for that Sunday. The Revised Common...

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The lay eucharist visitor volunteers are trained to bring the eucharist to members who are unable to get to a Sunday service. This includes a time of sharing about the last worship service and time for connecting and listening. Here is the prayer we say during the...

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On Sunday mornings we need people to greet parishioners and welcome visitors. It is the time to say, "We're glad you are here!" After the service, we encourage you to connect with the visitors and introduce them to other parishioners. If you’re interested in any of...

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The Grace Church Choir is a volunteer group that meets every Sunday morning one hour before the 10:00 a.m. service. (9:00a.m.) We prepare hymns ,service music and special music to be presented during the offertory part of our worship service. This choir is open to...

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The Altar Guild serves God and the people of Grace Church by keeping the altar a holy and inviting place for worship. Parishioners are needed each Saturday for setting up the altar and on Sunday after the service. The Altar Guild works in teams. We have a monthly...

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