News and Service Updates
Maundy Thursday
Grace Episcopal Church Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist April 6, 2023 | 6PM 1314 Spring Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-4157 [email protected] / Welcome With this service we begin our “Great Three...
Annual Parish Meeting & Potluck
On Sunday January 29 we will be hosting out Annual Meeting with a combined service at 9am with potluck lunch to follow! The annual meeting is the "state of the union" of Grace with reports from our various ministries and finances. The cool thing about the Episcopal...
2023 Vestry Candidate Bios!
Below you can read bios for each of our upcoming new Vestry member candidates! Genevieve Schlangen My journey with Grace Episcopal Church all began when my husband, Henry and I decided to be married at Grace in September of 2001. In fact, our wedding was...
Are You Called to be the Next Treasurer of Grace Church?
Grace Church is seeking a Treasurer to serve a one-year term beginning at the Annual Meeting on January 29, 2023. While it is not necessary to be a bookkeeper or CPA, the ability to understand financial reports at a detailed level is important. This volunteer position...
An Invitation to Dwell in our Belovedness
When Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Soon, the Beloved, with whom I am well...
Ash Wednesday Bulletin
Grace Episcopal Church A Service for Ash Wednesday 7PM Holy Eucharist February 22, 2023 1314 Spring Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-4157 [email protected] / The Collect of the Day Bless...
The Light Shines in the Darkness
The shepherds saw the bright light of the angel chorus in the heavens, the magi followed the light of a star, and the prologue of the Gospel of John proclaims: “In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness,...
Advent Devotional Pilgrimage toward Incarnation: Week Four-Transformation
Transformation Throughout Advent, we have reflected on a three-fold process of pilgrimage akin to the phases of walking a labyrinth: setting our intention, or walking in, encounter with the Holy, akin to the union of the center, and making meaning of our experiences...
Advent Devotional Pilgrimage toward Incarnation: Week Three-Meaning Making
Holy Mud One of the things I learned about ancient sites on our travels it that you encounter there, not just the history and holiness of the original saint or event which instigated it as a place of pilgrimage, but the layers of history of human interaction with that...
Advent & Christmas: Pilgrimage toward Incarnation
Advent and Christmas are just around the corner! Be sure to mark your calendars with all the wonderful opportunities for fun, fellowship, and formation ahead during this upcoming season in our communal life! More information about each of the above events will be...
Advent Devotional Pilgrimage toward Incarnation Week Two: Encounter
Encounter Akin to coming to the center of the labyrinth after walking its winding path, encounter, the second phase of pilgrimage, is the moment of arrival. This is the moment when we find what we have set out to seek on pilgrimage, or perhaps, it finds...
Advent Devotional Pilgrimage toward Incarnation Week One: Intention
The Rev. Amy Denney Zuniga Phil Cousineau, spiritual author and an ardent advocate of contemporary pilgrimage, wrote a book in the early 2000’s that recently went into its second publication. In The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seekers Guide to Making Travel Sacred,...